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Our Services in Detail


Each “Business Discovery” usually takes about 6-8 hours  going through each question with the business owner establishing honestly where the business is at with each question, identifying the action required, who is responsible and the time period to complete the task.

This bench-marking exercise is a way of finding out where your business is lacking in areas that affect how your business operates and is perceived by your customers in the market.


The “Business Discovery” survey for residential builders covers 5 main groups across 26 different sub categories. With over 160 separate questions covering all parts of your business, you can see where you should be spending your time in creating a professional organisation. 


The results of the survey provide you with a comprehensive prioritised Action Plan for you to follow. Achieve a rating of “5” in nearly all areas and you will have a ‘world class’ business.


This one day workshop is about defining your strategy, establishing the strategic objectives and the goals you will need to follow to achieve it. In defining your strategy, we help you identify the ideal business model for growth and develop the links from what you are doing today to get to the future. The workshop results are compiled and presented in a visual report.


Strategy is about making sure that what you are doing matters to your existing and potential customers and it differentiates you from the competition. This is all well and good as long as you have the ability to execute the strategy. Your strategy is all about achieving your “big idea”; what is it you want to achieve. We run through the “big ideas” and refine to one agreed goal and establish the time frame to achieve this goal.


Unless you know where you want to be and the strategy for getting there, it is almost impossible to setup the systems and processes required for your business without this vital piece of the puzzle. It is also impossible to generate marketing campaigns if you don’t know who your markets are and the distribution channels you need to reach them.


This half day workshop guides you through the creation of a Customer Journey Map. The results are compiled and presented in a format you can continue to update.


A Customer Journey Map is a visual representation of the touch points and experiences your customers have with your business. Understanding your customer journey with your business will highlight areas where you can improve your customer’s experiences and understand what communications you need to be having with your customers. In the world of digital media, it is vital you know what information needs to be provided at the various parts of the journey and how it is communicated.


The creation of this mapping also identifies actions needed to enhance and improve your customer journey. This is another ‘tool’ in creating a laser focus on growing and improving your business and is not to be underestimated in its significance.


This one day workshop guides you through the creation of a One Page Business Plan.


Business plans can traditionally run to many, many pages however it is hard to communicate the important parts of the plan to your team. Your One Page Business Plan captures your long term goals, one year and sliding quarterly goals.  


Before this process can be undertaken, it is strongly advised that you have undertaken a 'Strategic Focus' workshop and have developed your Vision, Mission and Core Values. Alpha Edge can help with these components as well.


This one day workshop guides you through the mapping of all your processes. The results are complied into highly visual Process Maps that clearly explain the processes and sub processes.


Business process mapping visually defines each of the main processes and systems that are used to efficiently operate your business. The process of undertaking the mapping can identify duplication, inefficiences within your business and clarify who is responsible for the work.


If you wanted to sell your business, what would you be selling? Will the creation of systems and processes and the documentation of these sell more homes or create more business? Apart from any sales training manuals and systems which will help the sales team, the short answer is NO. 


But what it will do, is allow you to focus almost all of your energies on sales and business development knowing that the rest of the business is strong enough with the right systems and processes to cope with the growth. 


We have experience in creating and presenting all types of operations manuals from software “How to Use” manuals to Construction Manuals and Operations Manuals. Of course, you can’t create an operations manual if you haven’t developed or confirmed your systems and processes in the first place. Refer back to our Business Discovery, Strategic Focus, Custommap and The Way We Do Things services we provide.


Create your “peace of mind” knowing your team has clear direction on how you want the business to operate and be able to give any new team member a head start on their training. It also helps with performance management of staff by having systems clearly documented for them to follow. Of course, if you come up with a better way,it’s not so hard to adjust the manuals and keep moving.


Our background and experience in design development with some of Australia’s largest builders and developers allows us to assess your standard designs and make them more efficient and easier to build. Some call it “Lean Design”. I’d call it ‘good design’.


This is a ‘case-by-case’ service however, we can create a project plan so you know the extent of the work.

Contact us to find out how we can improve your business.


Businesses usually end up with important information and KPIs scattered all over the place in the computers and in the 'cloud'. Our 'dashboard' products bring together all this important information into one or two dashboards for business owners so this information is available quickly and at a glance. 


This is a ‘case-by-case’ service as every business will have different types of information, in different places and in different formats, however, we can create a project plan so you know the extent of the work.

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