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Writer's pictureBruce Robb

Process Mapping – A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

You have heard of the phase “A picture is worth a thousand words”. A process map is also worth a thousand words.

Using process maps is a very quick way to explain how various parts of a business are supposed to operate.

It is generally easier to interpret and understand a visual map of a process than to explain it in many words. Well documented processes are key to a successful business, however before you can document or explain to the rest of the team how a process is meant to be carried out or followed, you must first ‘map’ out the process.

Business process mapping visually defines each of the main processes and systems that are used to efficiently operate your business. The process of undertaking the mapping can identify duplication, inefficiencies within your business and clarify who is responsible for the work.

Just the act of ‘mapping out’ the process on a whiteboard or large piece of paper will show up where inefficiencies and disorganised functions are within processes. Creating a process map for all the sub-parts of an overall business will reduce the amount of explanation needed when completing the manuals required to document the whole business.

Using process maps will help see where improvements can be made in a ‘customer journey’ for example. A process map can also help in explaining to staff who have English as their second language. Using a process map helps eliminate job titles or hierarchy in a business that can create ‘silos’.

Process maps are helpful in making sure all parts of the business have a clear understanding of what is required in order to process a job and what their responsibilities are. There are several software programs that can help in creating the process maps so they are professionally presented and clear.

Process maps can also be referred to as flowcharts, workflow diagrams, flow models, process charts, functional flowcharts but they are all essentially the same planning and management tool that describes the flow of work.

In a housing business, you would map out the process for the overall pre-construction and construction stages of a new home into the main segments and then create a process for more detailed sub-sections that can be defined easily, usually by the person responsible for that sub-section.

When an Operations Manual or even a full Quality Management System is finally created, the process maps form the basis for the structure of the manual/system. The different sections of the manual/system then only has to link together the process maps and explain the tasks and definitions used in the process maps. This is a more efficient way of training staff and explaining the business processes to new staff.

The 3C Mentor Builders Business Resources site has many process maps for a typical housing business.

The whole purpose of The 3C Mentor and Alpha Edge is to help create really great businesses in the residential building industry and delivered by our unique ‘Four Pillars to Your Success’Business Coaching, Business Consulting, Business Resources and Construction Software.

For an overview of these four pillars go to Alpha Edge here. To find out more about our Business Coaching go to The 3C Mentor here, for further information about the services Alpha Edge can provide go directly to Alpha Edge here and to access the many documents and resources you need as a residential builder, go to our Builder’s Business Resource Centre here. For more information on the construction software and how to ‘Be a Better Builder’, click here

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