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Writer's pictureBruce Robb

How to Prepare a Mission Statement

In my previous article, I outlined how to create your ‘Vision Statement’. This is different to your ‘Mission Statement’ and many businesses get these two confused.

Your ‘Vision Statement’ is an ‘outcome’ statement of where you want your business to be when you have achieved the ideal outcome – your ‘vision’ for your business.

Your ‘Mission Statement’ is the ‘How’ you will achieve your ‘vision’. You certainly need to be on a ‘mission’ to achieve your ‘vision’ and your goals and strategies and everything else that relates to your business.

As I mentioned in the article on the Vision Statement, you will find that you will need to work on your ‘Vision’, your ‘Mission’, your ‘core values’ and your ‘market dominating position’ at the same time so you can create clarity between all of them and not create duplication across the statements.

You might pick five or six ‘How’s’ to focus on that will deliver your vision. These should cover the aspects of your business that will separate you from the competition and should also cover the main functions of your business that interact with your customers.

For example, one part of the statement could focus on customer service and how you will do it better than anyone else. Another part could focus on the product (your homes) and how they will be better than anyone else.

Some other aspects or ‘How’s’ could be your construction methods, your sustainability credentials, your design excellence, your efficiencies created with technology, your business processes that are unique or any other aspects of your business that you believe will be a key factor in delivering your vision.

Your ‘Mission Statement’ will be made up of the five or six single sentences that outline the ‘How’s’. These succinct, single sentence statements also should not contain any ‘behavioural’ statements. Behaviour is part of your ‘Core Values’ which I will discuss in the next article.

Again, use your whiteboard or sticky notes and capture all your thoughts together and you will start to see your ‘Mission Statement/s’ and how they relate to your ‘Vision’ and your ‘Core Values’.

The whole purpose of The 3C Mentor and Alpha Edge is to help create really great businesses in the residential building industry and delivered by our unique ‘Four Pillars to Your Success’Business Coaching, Business Consulting, Business Resources and Construction Software.

For an overview of these four pillars go to Alpha Edge here. To find out more about our Business Coaching go to The 3C Mentor here, for further information about the services Alpha Edge can provide go directly to Alpha Edge here and to access the many documents and resources you need as a residential builder, go to our Builder’s Business Resource Centre here. For more information on the construction software and how to ‘Be a Better Builder’, click here

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