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Writer's pictureBruce Robb

How to Create Your Vision Statement

Why do you keep getting up each day and working in your business? If you don’t know ‘Why’ then it will get very difficult when the going gets tough, to get going.

Your ‘Vision Statement’ is an ‘outcome’ statement of where you want your business to be when you have achieved the ideal outcome – your ‘vision’ for your business.

Simon Sinek prepared a very simple diagram and analogy of the three aspects of a business – the ‘Why’; the ‘How’ and the ‘What’.

The ‘Why’ is really your purpose for being in business. What is the motivation that drives you to succeed and get through the tough times because of your ‘vision’ and ‘why’ you are doing it.

The ‘How’ are the ways in which you will achieve your ‘vision’ and in effect become your ‘Mission Statement’ which I will discuss in the next article.

The ‘What’ are the outcomes, the goods, services, products that your business provides and come about because of the ‘vision’ you have created and ‘How’ you go about delivering the vision.

Creating your ‘Vision Statement’ is not an easy task. You will go through numerous versions before arriving at the best one for you and your business. Understanding your ‘Why’, ‘How’ and your ‘What’ will help you separate out those aspects of the business so you don’t confuse your ‘how’ or your ‘what’ with your ‘vision’.

If someone asked you what was the one thing you could achieve best with your business, what would that be? An example -Your ‘Vision’, “To Be the Best Renovation Builder in (your city)” - “To build the most sustainable homes for your customers” -

To begin establishing your ‘Why’, jot down the things that you really enjoy doing, what makes you passionate about what you are doing or is there a need you want to fill or complete?

You should also be working on your Mission Statement, Core Values and Market Dominating Position (or Unique Selling Propositions- USPs) at the same time as these will help inform your Vision Statement and also help you see the differentiation between them.

Your Vision Statement is also a look into the future. If your customers and peers could describe your business at a point in the future, what would they say or how would they describe your business?

Your Vision Statement should be a single sentence that is the ‘end state’ or where you see your business say in 5, 10 or 20 years’ time depending on how long you think it will take you to get there.

Don’t confuse your Vision Statement with your ‘Positioning Statement’ that is included in your marketing. The ‘positioning statement’ will come from your vision, mission, core values and market dominating position and would focus on what solution you are solving for your customers or the single most important benefit to your customers.

Start by using your whiteboard or sticky notes and capture all your thoughts together and you will start to see your ‘vision’ emerging.

The whole purpose of The 3C Mentor and Alpha Edge is to help create really great businesses in the residential building industry and delivered by our unique ‘Four Pillars to Your Success’Business Coaching, Business Consulting, Business Resources and Construction Software.

For an overview of these four pillars go to Alpha Edge here. To find out more about our Business Coaching go to The 3C Mentor here, for further information about the services Alpha Edge can provide go directly to Alpha Edge here and to access the many documents and resources you need as a residential builder, go to our Builder’s Business Resource Centre here. For more information on the construction software and how to ‘Be a Better Builder’, click here

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